
Showing posts from April, 2020

Created for Community

This is my sweet momma, beaming at me through one of the windows of the assisted living community in which she resides. Prior to the novel coronavirus pandemic, I was in the habit of visiting my mom almost daily, hoping my presence would buoy her spirits as she battles chronic health problems. But the coronavirus outbreak means that she and her neighbors are now under a stay-at-home order, and only those who are considered essential for the physical well-being of the residents are allowed into the complex. Striving to honor this vital but difficult order, many families are now relying on communication tools like FaceTime or Duo to maintain “face-to-face” contact with their loved ones. Neither are viable options for our family, mainly because Mom has always been… um… a bit technologically challenged. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen her answer the phone by picking up the TV remote, or respond to a computer pop-up message by shouting at it: “No, I don’t want to close 5 tabs